5 Incredible Results from French Pink Clay

Mature Skincare

Prior to visiting France, it is easy to think that it *must* be over-hyped, especially Paris, right? How could any place be that romantic and idyllic?! On my first trip to France, I recall thinking, “Wow! Paris might be even better than people described!” It was breath-taking!

Leave it to France to bring us the yummiest Pink Clay for face masks! If you have not used a mask with French Pink Clay, let me assure you that you are in for a treat! 

Here are 5 incredible Results that You Can Expect from French Pink Clay:

1. Brightens Skin
This is the first thing you will notice with the French Pink Clay. It will naturally brighten your skin, and create a smooth complexion.

2. Cleans and Detoxifies
Clays have been used for centuries to clean and detoxify your skin, and you will immediately notice how clean your skin feels once it is removed.

3. Improves Skin Tone
Since French Pink Clay is known to brighten your skin, you will notice over time that your overall skin tone is refreshed and is improved.

4. French Pink clay does not strip the Moisture Barrier
Unlike other clays, French Pink Clay is considered to be very mild, and perfect for aging skin because it does not strip the skin’s natural oil barrier.

French Pink Clay can be used by all skin types because it is light, but has incredible, restorative properties. French Pink Clay is the main ingredient in our Day At Sea Mask!

Though the main thing we hear is that people love the way it smells, and the brisk, cool feeling you get when you put it on. But when you wipe it off with a warm washcloth, you will be able to see the brightening, smoothing effects right away! 

*Mask can be applied twice a week

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