
Face Shaving for Women?

Dermaplaning Women Shaving Face

Face Shaving for Women?

One of the hottest topics in skincare right now is women shaving their faces. While you may be clutching your pearls with shock, women are swearing by the results, to exfoliate the skin, making it look brighter, while removing any “peach fuzz.”  Rumors abound that beauty legends, like Elizabeth Taylor and Marilyn Monroe shaved their faces. While we can’t verify that, we can share with you the details for how you can do it, too! Many women are seeking estheticians to perform “Dermaplaning” to exfoliate the skin, but many women are learning how to dermaplane at home.  Shaving your face...

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How Does Sleep Impact Your Skin?

skincare and sleep sleep

How Does Sleep Impact Your Skin?

While you can eat all the right foods and do a thorough skincare routine, we all know that if you miss out on sleep, your body, especially your skin will pay the price. Skipping out on sleep can mean dark circles, hanging eyelids and more. If you could bottle up all of the positive effects of sleep and sell it as a supplement, you would soon be a VERY rich business owner! While you could try to track down supplements to mimic the results of getting a full night's sleep, we want to encourage you to get a full night's...

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Can Botox Make You Sad?


Can Botox Make You Sad?

As you have likely heard, when you bite down on a pen, something interesting happens--you become happier. There has been a lot of discussion about it over the years, but the premise is simple...when your mouth makes the shape of a smile, your body thinks you are happy, so it produces chemicals within the body that promote happiness. So if you want to be happier, one trick is to put a pencil in your mouth to make the smile and internally, you will begin to feel happier. Scientists refer to this as "the facial feedback theory" of emotion.What scientists have...

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Where to Start

Oil Cleansing Method Where to Start

Where to Start

One of the most popular questions that we receive at Blue Water Beauty is...where should I start? Whether you are here because you are...Wanting to try the oil cleansing method,Interested in clean beauty,Simply looking for radiant skin, rest assured, you are in the right place!If you are interested in the Oil Cleansing Method, we recommend that you first try the Daily Cleanser. This is our Face Wash and the best place to begin experimenting with the Oil Cleansing Method. Be sure to read the instructions on using this Face Wash because you apply it to a dry face, which is likely different for...

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Reaching Goals that are Meaningful to You!

Goal Setting Motivation

Reaching Goals that are Meaningful to You!

Poll Time--if you are a regular gym-goer, how do you feel about all your new friends at the gym in January? Now for some truth time…In the past, I would be slightly annoyed by the crowds in the new year. Suddenly I had to wait for machines or my group coaching classes are full... Then, one morning, while queuing up for the water fountain to refill my bottle, it hit me. “This place is packed with people who are hopeful for their future.” For some, they may quit next week, but there will be others who will talk about this exact month of...

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